One Place Kids | Who We Are
At One Place Church, we believe every child is designed by God to know Him and make Him known! Our goal is to partner with families to help build a solid foundation of faith in Jesus in a safe, age-appropriate environment where the Bible is taught in a creative and fun way!
Kid Faith For Parents
One Place Nursery
Ages Birth – 3 years
Babies and toddlers in the nursery receive excellent care and have space to play. Our volunteers pray weekly Scripture over them and their families.
One Place Preschool
3-5 yr olds – must be potty trained.
In Preschool, we use engaging activities to help children explore who God is. They will experience His love for each one of them through large group worship and small group hands-on activities that correlate with the Bible story of the week.
One Place Elementary
K – 5th grade
In Elementary, children will begin to discover God’s big story and what it means to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Children will participate in large group worship that is energetic and fun, as well as small groups that reinforce the Bible story and lesson.
New here? Save time and register your kids for Sunday morning.
On Sunday mornings, head over to our OPC Kids check-in area in the back lobby. If you would like to, you can save time by registering your family now and quickly check them in when you arrive on Sunday!
Register KidsKid Faith
Kid Faith is a great place for kids who are asking questions about God, Jesus, what it means to become a Christian, and what baptism is all about. At Kid Faith we talk about all these things in a fun, kid-appropriate way, and at the end of the class we offer the opportunity for your family to pray together and also to sign up for baptism if your child is ready.
Kid Faith is for children who are in kindergarten through fifth grade, and we offer childcare if you need to bring children who are younger. We do require at least one parent to attend Kid Faith with your child. If your child is asking questions about Jesus, joining us at a Kid Faith class is the perfect next step! Click here for more information, including the date of our next Kid Faith class.
Sign Up

At One Place Church, our vision is to partner with parents to help their kids grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to equip parents with the tools they need to encourage and challenge their kids throughout the week. YOU are your child’s BEST teacher! We believe that what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. We encourage you to take what your kids are learning in One Place Kids and talk about it all week long.
What to expect on Sunday
Where to Go
Children can be checked in 15 minutes prior to service on Sunday. Please check in your child(ren) at the Kids Check-In desk. If it is your first time visiting us, you will fill out a simple registration form. At that time, please let us know of any allergies or health concerns. We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before the service begins.
Safety at One Place
Your child’s safety is a priority to us. Every Sunday we have a secure check in and check out process. Each One Place Kids Volunteer goes through an extensive background and reference check.

Jesus for
North Idaho
At One Place Church, we believe that the Kingdom of God advances through our relationships. Join us, and let's make a difference together.
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